First and foremost, thank you for your service. You’re now entering a new era of your life as a business owner. If you’re reading this, maybe you’re considering opening up shop, or perhaps you’re in business and looking for more resources! As a veteran, the U.S. government has created numerous programs and opportunities to drive you to success!
The Office of Veterans Business Development (OVBD)
This department is exclusively geared toward veterans seeking entrepreneurship. It includes services for:
Service-disabled Veterans
Active-Duty Service Members
Transitioning Service Members
Dependents or Survivors
The OVDB can help you in myriad ways including helping you gain access to capital, preparing you for new business opportunities, aiding in federal procurement, and guiding you in searching for the right commercial supply chains. There’s also an outreach program called the Veterans Business Outreach Center Program focused on face-to-face educational opportunities such as :
Business Plan Workshops
Concept Assessments
Accessing Capital
While the Office of Veterans Business Development and the Veterans Business Outreach Center Program offers tons of guidance and advice, they also have resources to help you access capital for your business. Check out the Lender Match feature on the Small Business Administration website first, then look into different loans offered. One loan, in particular, is the Military Reservist Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program, or MREIDL, that offers up to $2 million in loans to cover operating costs that can’t be met due to needing essential employees called to serve.
Business Training
The OVBD and VBOC also offer training programs to help you launch your business and prepare you for success! Among their many programs, here are a few of their most popular:
Women Veteran Entrepreneurship Training Program
Service Disabled Veteran Entrepreneurship Training Program SDVETP
Veteran Federal Procurement Entrepreneurship Training Program
Contracting opportunities
As you enter a new era of your life, there are plenty of resources available to prepare you for success. If you need help building a financial plan or want to maximize your business growth, book an appointment with Adam Kae & Associates today!
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Disclaimer: This article contains information and opinions from Adam Kae & Associates, and the information and opinions should not necessarily be seen as the best possible solutions for your business. Please contact us at info@adamkae.com to help you find the best solutions for your business.